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Raina Stetson, B.S.

Consultant & Group Facilitator

Photo of Raina Stetson

Raina Stetson (she/her) is a native Nevadan who is deeply connected with her community.  She brings to her clients a wealth of both professional and lived experience. Professionally, she is a trained educator, a foster and adoptive-parent trainer, and a coach for individuals and families whose lived experience includes autism, ADHD, and trauma. Personally, Raina is an experienced foster and biological parent to both neurodivergent and neurotypical children.

Parent and Family Support: 

Raina works alongside Washoe County Human Services Agency to train prospective foster and adoptive parents, and coaches families as they navigate the child welfare system.

At Facilitate Joy!, Raina’s work with parents includes co-facilitating parent support groups and providing individual parent coaching. As the parent of a child diagnosed with autism, Raina understands the emotions parents navigate when their child is diagnosed and the process of making practical adjustments to best support all members of the family system.

Raina’s passion for supporting families also fuels her ongoing education and training.  She dedicates time each week to increasing her knowledge base and reviewing emerging research on trauma, ASD, and ADHD.

Support for Individuals who are Autistic or have ADHD:

•    Ages 8-15.  Raina provides individual support to children as young as 8.  She also runs two groups for individuals ages 10-12 and 13-15, helping to build social connections, social communication skills, and emotion regulation.

•    Teens and Young Adults.  Raina supports teens and young adults in pursuing educational and work goals, as well as navigating the transition to adulthood. This often involves focusing on executive function skills, social communication skills, and emotion regulation.

•    Adults. As someone was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, Raina finds joy in helping others accept and integrate their diagnosis into their life.  She helps people learn about executive function, discuss and implement strategies to support honoring their own rhythms while accomplishing tasks that need to be handled, and addresses the burnout so many of us face. She also specializes in supporting neurodivergent men who are navigating feelings of isolation, frustration, or anger.

Some More Background:

Raina graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2014 with her Bachelor of Science in Integrated Elementary Education with an emphasis in Language Acquisition. She has taught people of all ages, and currently teaches adults how to speak English as a Second Language. 
In her free time, Raina loves crocheting, connecting with her children, and taking care of her eight pets.

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